Corporate Responsability

For the ETHUSS GROUP, the wellbeing, development and improvement of the quality of life of its clients, suppliers, partners, team members, shareholders and communities is a priority.

Commitment to our Employees

For its employees, the ETHUSS GROUP offers among other things career plans, social wellbeing programs, benefit programs, educational assistance and training programs, leading to an excellent working environment and the search for continued improvement, fundamental elements for a dedicated, motivated and competent workforce.

Commitment to our Employees
Commitment to Colombia

Throughout its history, the ETHUSS GROUP has contributed to the development of all regions in the country and the progress of its people through projects that have spread to the remotest areas of Colombia, such as Chocó, Guainía and the Amazon.

Commitment to Colombia
Commitment to Communities

In all the projects carried out, the ETHUSS GROUP, through its team of social workers and psychologists, is involved with the local population -attending and resolving their concerns and problems, satisfying their needs, understanding and learning about their culture and explaining to them the benefits that the project can bring to their lives. Additionally, it prioritizes hiring of personnel, suppliers and subcontractors from the region of the project.

Commitment to Communities
Commitment to Industrial Safety and Occupational Health

The ETHUSS GROUP commitment to industrial safety and occupational health is demonstrated through permanent analysis of risks related to activities carried out, development of mitigation programs and monitoring of indicators to test efficiency, translated into minimization of work-related and general sicknesses, work accident prevention and continued improvement.

GRUPO ETHUSS BOGOTÁ COLOMBIA - CALLE 100 NO. 9A 45 (57 - 1) 6507777
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